Fit4Work has been a concept, a website, a book, and a lecture mostly focused on WHY you should apply work capacity and ergonomic concepts to youth with disabilities. Most attendees quickly grasp these important concepts...and then ask, exactly WHAT do you do and HOW do you do it? How do you engage staff?
Simon Sintek, in his very popular TedTalk, discusses the importance of the "why". Once people understand the "why" you are doing something, then they can expand the scope of understanding to the "what" and the "how". The shorter lecture tells you the "why" of Fit4Work, but the full day course will tell you the "how" and the "what" of Fit4Work. We will still examine foundational concepts of fitness, ergonomic and work task performance. As the work has evolved since 2012, I have continued to refine exactly "what" we should be doing and you will receive these important updates. We will consider these concepts within population health constructs as many of us work in schools where large groups of students exist. In addition, we are going to dive deeper into the tests and measures, discussing and practicing not only the examination but also the evaluation and performance analysis components of Fit4Work. You will experience some of my strategies for engagement including writing a prospectus and experience a staff training in body mechanics.
The goal, after the full day is to not only know WHY you should do Fit4Work Programming for youth with disabilities but to fully grasp WHAT and HOW you will do it. I promise you will also leave with practical tools and resources to support you when you return to your job site.
Join me in New York City in March for the full day course! Early bird discount ends February 19, so register here today!