I have been looking at AI for a while...curious how it can help me. I was tooling around on my friend Matt Barker's website (he is the same dude who has sourced a ton of Fit4Work videos for you to create programs from) and I came across an AI IEP goal generator.
For a student who is working on a transition plan that includes Fit4Work type activities, this AI IEP goal generator may be a huge help for educators! I put in a hypothetical students strengths and needs, below you can see what was generated:

This gives you a lot of options to consider, I certainly would not suggest this many goals! You need to adhere to district standards, in some places you may be required to write goals and then objectives. These could be implemented in the classroom or job site by the educator, school staff or other service providers. As always, who implements these goals is an IEP team decision, Give it a try!
Yours in health,
Connie Johnson, PT, DScPT