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How to find Fit4Work resources this school year

Connie Johnson, PT, DScPT

I think school is in session in most parts of the country, we started in mid August and so things are finally settling down and I am circling back to follow up on some of the things that has dogged me is how best to share Fit4Work information and meet the needs of promoting these ideas and supporting PTs and OTs.

I am a member of several Facebook pediatric therapy groups...inevitably questions are posted about evaluation for youth with developmental disabilities. I will often weigh in, but am careful to not be self promoting while still helping to add to the conversation about using fitness and ergonomic concepts with functional work capacity evaluation and interventions to assess abilities to participate in work tasks.

One of my intents with the website was to have a place for people to interact...well that was kind of silly because who interacts on a website??? So, my 2018-19 plans for sharing Fit4Work are:

1. Blogs: I plan to do 1-2 a month and share them via email, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.

2. In addition, I have started a Facebook group where I will post links to blogs and we can interact there and you can post questions, and I can feel free to answer without feeling self promoting.

3. Instagram, Fit4WorkPT: I am taking MovNat Certification training in November in order to have more tools for Fit4Work. Check me out there as I experiment with my own movement and share movement ideas for kids.

4. The book is being updated! I took the first edition down in the early summer, and had enough content that I felt like an update was needed and it was enough to call it a Second Edition. I have added about 20 pages...and the biggest changes are an intervention section that is fitness focused as well as a streamlined tests and measures section. I will share some of them via Blogs this fall, but this is your one stop shop for the most updated information. The book should be available in a few weeks, I have ordered what I hope is the final proof this past week. It was a bigger project than I intended, but, as always I want to make sure it meets the needs of people working with kids: easy to digest and a ready resource. If you have attended the full day conference you have much of this information, although I am always updating :)

5. I will be at Academy of Ped PT Annual Conference as well as CSM. Come find me and say hi!

This first month of school always feels like its off to the races, so hoping things are going smoothly with you.


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