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School is in session!

Connie Johnson, PT, DScPT

Back to school and reminiscing about summer...and I wanted to share about an online course I took...Storytelling for Change by Acumen. This online course is free, runs over 6 sessions, and was a great way to build storytelling skills that can be used in public speaking or any other venue where information is shared. The most difficult part was finding a group to work with and meeting consistently. The format was really unique: videos/handouts that take an hour to review...and then a guided learning activity you complete with your group. I found a group within the Academy of Prevention and Health Promotion Therapies...and off we went.

My goal was to share a story that would help me to convey the idea "What is Fit4Work?". The culminating project was a video, which I will share here...its not perfect but worth it! Do you need to share what Fit4Work is to a colleague? I am hoping this video will help!

They are starting several free classes in September including Social Entrepreneurship 101 that I am looking forward to! Hoping to find other ways to disseminate the Fit4Work message to support youth with disabilities!

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