Mary Massery never ceases to amaze me. I attended her CSM session Braking Bad: Eccentric Control from Talking to Walking with Nechama Karman. Talk about tying your theme to pop culture that PTs can connect too...they reviewed eccentric control during gait, and intervention strategies to improve eccentric control.
Mary suggested a “new definition of the core extends from the vocal folds on top, to the pelvic floor on the bottom and every muscle in between”. She suggested the link between the eccentric control of sit to stand and the use of inspiration which will increase trunk stability. Inspiration narrows the glottal folds, which increases activity in the core from vocal folds to pelvic floor, increasing central stability. She suggested strategies such as vocalizing or pursed lip breathing during eccentric activity such as stand to sit. She describes this better than I ever could right here, has great problem solving videos and information on her phenomenal on her website.
Why do I care about this in Fit4Work? The squat seems to be the most pivotal thing to work on, still, I have been writing about it for a few years. With the focus on squat, lifting, walking AND carrying heavy things, I think we can train more eccentric muscle control, have better carryover and increase strength more quickly. I think this in combination with strategies with my last blog, may make a big difference for my kids.