I don't know about you, but I have gotten an email from anyone I have ever emailed or website I have been on in the last few days. So much going on, and a lot of uncertainty for those of us in schools. Once they closed schools for us, I've been trying to wrap my brain about what I can do to support others. Many of us will have to generate activity ideas that support instruction, and this can look many ways. I have also heard some therapists are mandated to engage in continuing education during this off time. I have lots of free resources on my website. In that vein, I have culled some ideas and resources to support your school based practice.
First off, take care of yourself and your family. Eat well, sleep, hydrate, connect with others virtually practicing social distancing and following whatever public health recommendations. For those of us that rely on social connections for exercise (me!), figure out ways to virtually connect to do what you need to maintain movement for you and your family.
Secondly, hopefully you have seen the guidance document from Department of Education, and I am sure more will be coming out in coming days. It is here.
As for our responsibilities to our schools, some ideas to help you if you are providing programming or home instruction. Fit4Work is based on maximizing fitness for work, which is fitness for function. We all need to have a certain amount of physical competence to do things, like carry in the groceries, but also for optimal health. Families are looking at a lot of potential time home with their kids and maybe without the respite care they normally have. We should not burden or guilt them into maintaining a school routine, but consider what minimal things we could suggest that are easily implemented into home routines. And the value of doing the things we may not usually have the opportunity to recommend, like cooking as a family, walking in nature, and or even having a community plank contest.
In terms of work, I often speak about the Fit4Work Screen which includes following 5 things:
1. Reach overhead
2. Pick up items from the ground
3. Walk and carry items
4. Endurance: walking/wheeling
5. Ability to get up/down from the floor
This may look different to you, I have recently updated my Fit4Work Screen to include moving Floor to Stand, predominantly because it is linked to long term health and a great activity measure that informs a persons body and structure. Also, working on this in a relatively simple way can show great improvements. New Fit4Work Recording Form is here. Chores are an important place for us to intervene as well. Below are activity ideas that can be a part o home activities to support fitness for work, but also fitness for function and health.
Chores: This link describes why chores are important, a checklist and ways to include chores in home routines. This link has some handy checklists to encourage participation.
Physical activity should include whole body movement whether seated or standing at an exercise intensity appropriate for the individual. Activities should include moving floor to stand if able, reaching above your head/to the ground and be weighted or unweighted depending on ability. Regular physical activity is important for health, function and fitness. Video modeling is an evidence based method of instruction. I suggest these videos to increase minutes of physical activity.
a. Ideas on how to dose: Moveyourway has parent friendly information that describes how much and at what intensity. The message should be more is better, and intense is best, but of course we are just recommending people get out and MOVE
b. My youtube channel has a bunch of favorite stations sourced.
c. Consider creating a community virtual challenge like sit to stands or planks for time or walking goals such as Walk4Fun, below.
d. Other media sources:
i. Walk4Fun.com. On this website you can choose the path you want to virtually walk, and then record your steps walked. The website shares information on the path walked.
ii. Sustainingmovement on Instagram: hosting short videos (2 minutes) of a variety of balance challenges that feature a parent and child.
v. Visual Timer
vi.exercise buddy app http://www.exercisebuddy.com/
vii. Interval timer, great for creating Tabata Style Workouts
Some documents that you can use to support home activities below.

Want some leadership books to read/listen to on your time off? Want to create some conversation with colleagues around professional topics? Book clubs are professional development and evidence based. Consider having your own #Bookjam. Reading guides are here. Book lists are below!

Here is a handout you can share with families if you need to provide home activities.

PDFs and PNGs of all documents are on my website, under the documents tab. Wishing you health and wellness, if you are looking for other documents or support let me know!