I have been super busy over here at Fit4Work...I am teaching the second online course and taking two courses (Danielle Laporte Leadership and Academy of Prevention and Health Promotion Therapies Applied Health Promotion Certification course).
If you follow me at all you know I love books. But what I have been learning recently is about how much literature there is out there to support book clubs for professional development. This wekeend, though, I am super excited to be presenting at the Virginia Occupational Therapy Association School Symposium...and one of my presentations is called "#BOOKJAM and the 3 Rs: Reading, Reflecting, and Relationship Building to Enhance Professional Development".
You can get the book guide we have created here. This can be used with school teams or really any team where leadership is required, to support the skills needed to lead change. This book is an excellent read, easily digestable and readily applicable. I highly recommend it. If you use the guide with your group please let me know!