What a week its been! I had no idea this past week would look as it did. The COVID Pandemic support article has been used across the country...if you have used it, please email me and let me know how it went, positives and negatives. This will help me brainstorm what's next and that it was worth the effort.
From the inspiration of this document, 3 collaborators and I (Michele Wiley, Hilary Terhune and Nicole Jacobs) have created a multitude of products and documents to support us in this crazy time! They are all sourced on my documents on this webpage and you can see below.
The website we have created is here, and these ladies are also creating venues to share more resources as school based therapists work hard to figure out what this new model looks like and how we can execute it. We are also collaborating with IOPT and have discovered that therapists across the world, despite having different models of practice are struggling with the same issues. From this collaboration, Michele Wiley and I were inspired to create this.
If you have ideas for documents, please go to the COVID Pandemic website, and go to the Padlet, you can post your ideas there! So we can all share what we know!
What a week. I will be returning to work this week and I am not sure what that will look like. And some of you are already in it. Wishing you time and space to take care of yourselves, your families and continue to do the work that we do.
