So, not to be, well, uninformed...but around mid March, I thought well, shut down until early April or so...and here we are shut down until June 10 in my state, but who knows? Its a very weird time for me. Our school system shut down for the first 2 weeks burning unused snow days (here in VA they have 20 built into the system!), a week of training, a week of Spring break and then we start Distance Learning next week.
During this time, I have waxed between incredible creativity/productivity and deep, intense rest. I am fortunate that we have what we need here, even if its not what we want or when we want it. The modern conveniences of life are just, so, well, convenient.
The SBPT COVID website was borne from an exasperation of not understanding the path moving forward, a desperation for leadership when our leaders are not being led, and four physical therapists feeling that if we were free from our roles (as our administrators are not), that we could create documents that would support our practice and perhaps guide it. They are all housed on the SBPT COVID website but I have also attached them here for your convenience. All support Fit4Work concepts and I found the Telehealth/Synchronous Learning Toolkit to be most useful. I hope they help you as well. I have attached some here for your convenience, but some others for secondary are here.
What can we do for ourselves? Take some time to set your home office up. I first started working from home, just, well, working. I realized my body was getting creaky and stepped back, figured out 4 different seating options and I am much happier. The details are here. Dr. Betsy Scudder has lots more tips here.
Take care and be well. Take a breath. Spring is coming, I am sure of it <3
