I've been working on re-curating my Fit4Work materials. I've always been motivated by technology and multi media access to content but struggled to find a way to "bring it".
2020 has been a time where we have been rethinking everything we do, and are working towards ways to redo it with more ease, more flow and more equity.
Who wants to sit in a 15 hour course? Who wants to listen to someone else and their power point slides for two hours?...maybe you already know some of the stuff being presented, maybe you have other parts you want to dive in deeper. The goal if any training should be application and use...if you can't use what I have given you we both have wasted our time. And, not to say that power point and public speaking is not a way to learn. It is. But there are other, more efficient ways to get information.
So, thanks to some serious study from the Cult of Pedagogy and Liberating Structures, I have curated "Playlists" for you. These playlists contain the content from the full course, updated, multi media and easy to use, connecting you to the resources faster.
I have 4 modules now and plan two or three more. These should be ready in the new year. Topics include Fit4Work Foundations: the "Why" (includes ergonomics, educational climate, and language of transition); Evaluation: the "How" (includes curated content and templates); Fit4Work Screen and Strength training protocols: the "What". If you view these you will have the meat of the Fit4Work course and should have what you need to create your own programs to support these students. If you view these modules you will have the "meat" of the Fit4Work course.
The modules target physical and occupational therapists, but educators will find them of interest also!
I am sharing one free module "A Case". In this module, you will hear about how Fit4Work can be used on an individual basis but also how it can be implemented within a population. The possibilities are endless, and if you document your outcomes you will have success.

Be safe and be well, as we roll into the winter months.
~ Connie