I am not sure what happened to June...between finishing up my school year and trying to recover I've been kind of down in a hole! But big news here!
The Fit4Work book has been taken down from Amazon. Its time for an update. This is very weird for me...when you spend so much time creating something you think (and hope), eh done, move on. But this body of work continues to evolve and refine for me and its time for a 3rd edition. This next edition will include an OT eval template, power strength training protocol (yes getting more explicit with exercise recommendations), and some more modeling for what this work is that we are doing and how we do it. If you have taken my course you know that I care about models and evidence and ensuring that we are covering all the bases. But, in so many respects we spend more time making things complicated than making it easy for ourselves, and I am all about simplicity. I will be updating other content as well.
I am officially opening up registration for hybrid Fit4Work course for Fall of 2020.
You might be thinking (as I am) that you have much bigger concerns this Fall, like PPE and being safe. I assure you, we all have these questions. But, while all this chaos is going on, our students are still aging up and out of their programs, and it is still our responsibility to prepare them to the best of of our ability. And there are very constructive things we can do to support the health, wellness and readiness to engage in vocational activities during this time whether kids are learning virtually, hybrid, or in person. The conversations will be much different than last year, but no less relevant or important. In fact, probably more important.
I don't have any live courses scheduled this school year and I'm not sure when we will all be comfortable with that. However, I do have some very cool virtual options should any school districts be interested!
Please share this email with others...I'm more about the evidence, education and execution than I am about the marketing...and so this helps me to get the word out.
Be well.
