I am super excited to announce an online course for PTs and OTs, coming Fall of 2019. I am working in a collaborative partnership with the Academy of Health Prevention and Promotion Therapies to present Fit4Work using their platform. Population health promotion and philosophy closely mirrors our role in the school system and so having access to their resources is going to create a great learning experience! The course is entirely online, conducted over 6 weeks, with recorded lectures, activities, discussion forums and synchronous class time so you can take the material, use it, and come back and reflect on it with your peers, all of whom have the same goal: to create programs and partnerships that support youth in disabilities for life after high school.
We will start taking registrations this summer, but mark your calendar now! I will probably be a little quiet over here as I work on updating my content, applying for CEUs, and fleshing all this out. But know that this engaging, interactive experience will be practice changing. You can watch the

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