Big things are happening here at Fit4Work, and I have literally, and figuratively, been planting a lot of seeds.
I had a super fun diversion this week as I participated in the #5x5Fuel challenge sponsored by the Academy of Health Prevention and Promotion Therapies. You may have seen my antics on Instagram (@Fit4WorkPT). I have documented the journey here, and I am keeping it in word document format because while I think I have brilliantly packaged it, I want you to be able to use the document and photos to share with school teams and create your own school based Sprouting business. One of the reasons why this is exciting to me is that creating school based work activities requires creativity...and finding something that is actually a business that people might want to buy is another thing entirely.
When I shared this idea with my OT and 3 teachers at local high schools all 4 replied enthusiastically YES we will do this next year. Who can do anything else at this time of year but hang on for the end? Working in schools we know this well. But its nice to light a little fire for next year. Cost for start up is minimal (under $50 for a semesters worth of supplies) and its a good time to use remaining funds. There was a lot of brainstorming around hashtags and I would say my favorite was #sproutingindependence
My suggestion? Just print out this document and share it with your teachers and see how may people you can inspire to sprout. And let me know how it goes!
Go forth and be great!