One of my readers discovered an error in one of the tables of the book...which I hastily corrected...but then I wandered down the road of, could there be another error? Well I reviewed all of the tables, and in so doing found a few typos, as well as a few more tests that could be included.
Decisions, decisions...well, ethically of course I needed to make the change. But I have no way to get a list of who has purchased it via Amazon so decided to just write up the changes in a pdf document and share it publicly. If you have purchased the book, please print out these pages and include them in the book and DO NOT use the tables they replace. If you have not purchased the book, you have the added benefit of getting some updated tests and measures!
I have some great updates on the Home Participation Checklist, aka chores and physical activity! I will be presenting a poster at CSM on a construct validity study...and working on a manuscript for publication so that this tool can be widely used. Its been a long haul, as all research is! I will be presenting form 1-3 PM on Friday, come on by and say hi! If you have any interest in doing research with this tool let me know, let's collaborate!