So I know this blog has been quiet this winter, and now you get 2 in a week...I have been plugging away on lectures for the full day course. But I wanted to put a plug in for CSM...in case you are going to be attending or following on social medla.
CSM is one of my favorite conferences. As a school based physical therapist, whose practice spans age 2-22 I find relevance in continuing education offerings across Academy/Sections...although usually I can be seen at all the peds events, but you will also find me at ortho, neuro and Women's Health. So what's on my agenda this year?
This year I am super excited to here "Transforming Society": The Role of PT in Population Health (* AM Thurs)...as a PT working within a school system, we have access to and I believe the ability to, advocate for population health interventions. In doing Fit4Work, I have noticed that many of my suggestions benefit not only the kids on my caseload but entire programs...and I am noticing changes in teacher programming because of this. I hope to make it to the meet and greet (Thursday 1:00) for the newly formed Council on Prevention, Health Promotion and Wellness as I look for others to partner with on this journey!
I think as peds PTs we don't often get the exercise prescription pieces that I am finding are necessary for Fit4Work...sessions like "Muscle Dysfunction from Athletes to Elderly", "Increasing PA Through Community Health Worker and PT Partnerships" and "Coupling Timing and Dose of Therapy to Maximize Plasticity" will all likely be very informative.
I will also be at a lot of the Academy of Ped PT events including the breakfast Thursday morning (its free you should come!), the Business meeting (Friday night), and SIG meetings (AADD and Schools). Those SIG meetings are early but really worth it to go and connect with others who are doing so many great things to support our practice...also an opportunity to voice your thoughts/concerns as well as and perhaps volunteer for a committee?
If you have heard one of my lectures and/or practice Fit4Work, please say hi if you see me roaming around! I will also be tweeting from sessions if you want some of the nuggets (follow me @ConnieCJohnson or hashtag #Fit4WorkPT). I plan to blog about them later as well. Last year I found out that blogging about what I had learned really helps me integrate my practice. Who knew? Life's a journey not a destination, right?