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Top take homes from APPTAC 2017

Connie Johnson, PT, DScPT

APPTAC, as always, is a very informative PT conference. Focused on the educational needs of pediatric physical therapists, high profile speakers, concepts and interventions are always highlighted.

My top take homes, in no particular order are:

  1. Dr. Shirley Sahrmann, the queen of movement impairment diagnosis spoke about the importance of alignment and correct movement patterns for optimal function. She said that “the best things you can do is change how people do things in daily life”. Another favorite concept compares PTs to dentists: you go to the dentist whether your teeth bother you or not, why don’t we see a PT to maintain our physical bodies?

  2. Patty Scheets spoke about interventions and highlighted this document of physical therapy diagnoses and characteristics.

  3. Use the new GOALed app: Goal attainment Scaling can evaluate the effectiveness of an overall program effectiveness. Can be used to write, calculate and interpret goal attainment results.

  4. QxMD app: Can be used to collect research articles…enter your specialty, favorite journals and getting a running feed of articles.

  5. Two favorite books were shared at the practice fair:

  6. Recycle Bin Boogie: Amy Schlessman: fun activities that include work and academics .

  7. And of course, by yours truly: Fit4Work: . I had a great time sharing information on squatting and its importance in work capacity for youth with disabilities.

  8. Mary Massery spoke about how the glottal folds are the gate keeper for trunk pressure…she used the example of the child with cerebral palsy who has high tone and a squeaky voice because of inadequate regulation of thoracic pressure…certainly a place to consider focus of intervention.

  9. Mary also quoted someone who said that “while powerlifting, spasticity was never lower…”. I haven’t seen studies on this but I will be on the look out for them for sure.

  10. Carlo Vialu spoke about motor learning…he reminded us of the importance of having children perform tasks that are valuable to them to increase salience, that toddlers fall 100 times a day (why don’t we let kids fall?), studies of modeling by peers increases brain activity and that motor imagery is emerging at age 5 years old…

  11. Carlo also spoke on assessment tools and suggested considering the Functional Mobility Scale, ECAB for balance (age 1.5-7 years old) and the Times to Rise from Floor test.

  12. Looking for continuing ed courses? Consider checking out where yours truly will be presenting the first full day Fit4Work continuing education class in March, 2018.

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